Monday, June 25, 2007

The Seven Deadly Sins: Envy

I've met a fair number of people I admire. I'm even related to a few of them. :-) I haven't met that many people that I envy, though. Don't get me wrong - I know plenty of people who are more talented, smart, wise, witty, etc., etc., etc., but at the end of the day I can't say I have a bad life at all. Pretty good, actually. Every once in a while, though, I meet someone who is willing to pursue their dream so faithfully and fearlessly that I'm awestruck and, well, envious.

World, meet Rebekah Scott. Rebekah, readers. Rebekah and her husband pulled up stakes and moved to Spain, right along the Camino Frances in Moratinos, Palencial, Spain. Read her blog sometime for a story of someone who has realized that life is too important not to do some living.

1 comment: said...

Wow. How excruciating!
Now if I make up a geocache and put it in my barn will you and all your friends come to Moratinos for a gin and tonic?

-- Rebekah Scott