Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Website of Interest: List of Foundational Haskell Papers

Description / Disclaimer: 

This repo is a collection of links to various papers, and as such, may go out of date intermittently as resources shuffle around the web. It would be greatly appreciated if people raise issues when these pdf's have dead links, as it helps us all maintain the most up to date set of resources. Additionally, you may find that the "set of links" approach is tedious. This is done to avoid any sort of licensing concerns. If anyone has a better idea of the implications (especially licensing) of hosting the actual papers, the end goal would ideally be to serve as a kind of library. Feel free to find me to discuss. Thanks, Emily. (Pillmore)

List of Haskell Papers

Saturday, May 11, 2019

Person of Interest: Alexis King

Alexis King

My name is Alexis King, and I write a lot of software. I live in Chicago.

I’m interested in functional programming, static types, and programming language research, and I try to spend as much time as I can writing Haskell and Racket. I mostly work on web applications and infrastructure, but I’m especially passionate about writing libraries, open-source software, and various kinds of tooling.

I write about some of the things I do on this blog, and I sometimes tweet about them and other things on Twitter. I work on a lot of open-source projects on GitHub, and you can email me at

Monday, May 06, 2019

Person of Interest: Chris Olah

Chris Olah


A wandering machine learning researcher, bouncing between groups. I want to understand things clearly, and explain them well

Sunday, May 05, 2019

Programming Language of Interest: Idris



Idris is a general purpose pure functional programming language with dependent types. Dependent types allow types to be predicated on values, meaning that some aspects of a program’s behaviour can be specified precisely in the type. It is compiled, with eager evaluation. Its features are influenced by Haskell and ML, and include:
  • Full dependent types with dependent pattern matching
  • Simple foreign function interface (to C)
  • Compiler-supported interactive editing: the compiler helps you write code using the types
  • where clauses, with rule, simple case expressions, pattern matching let and lambda bindings
  • Dependent records with projection and update
  • Interfaces (similar to type classes in Haskell)
  • Type-driven overloading resolution
  • do notation and idiom brackets
  • Indentation significant syntax
  • Extensible syntax
  • Cumulative universes
  • Totality checking
  • Hugs style interactive environment

Person of Interest: Edwin Brady

Edwin Brady


I am a Lecturer in Computer Science at the University of St Andrews, interested in type theory, dependently typed functional programming, compilers and domain specific languages (DSLs). I am currently working on the implementation of DSLs for stateful, resource-aware programming, especially for correct network protocol design and implementation, using Idris, a dependently typed functional programming language.

When I’m not doing that, you might find me playing Go (I’m about 1 kyu), walking up a hill, watching a game of cricket, or waiting for a delayed train.

I’m afraid I also perpetrated the whitespace programming language.