I once read that the easiest way to make money on the internet was to implement all of the standard *ix services like mail, telnet, ftp, finger, and wall, but to make them run in a browser. We've pretty much done that. Here's another take. In grade school I recall being taught that it was important to answer five questions in a piece of writing: Who, What, When, Where, and How.
The Who question is being answered by all of the social networking services, though they have yet to be truly unified.
The What question is being answered by search.
The When question is being answered by blogging and public messaging.
The Where question is being answered by online mapping services.
The How question is being answered by blogs and DIY communities.
So the question is: is there a better way to answer any of these questions?
1 comment:
I suspect that grou.ps has the general outline of the answers, if not quite the right form.
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